Sessions run from the 12th January 2015 - 15th February 2015
For our syllabus - see the weekly outline in the sidebar pages.

Hashtag #machinEVO2015
Hashtag EVO Sessions #2015evo
December, 2018. I am examining this wiki to see if it can be updated and preserved. Dennis Newson
MachinEVO is a 5-week workshop in Second Life, for language educators to learn how to produce films for teaching and learning English. It has approval from CALL-IS. It starts on 12th January 2015 and is free of charge. Registrations will be open from 5 -11 January 2015.
In this EVO session we will learn how to create machinima using Fraps or Quicktime for screengrabbing and Camtasia for video editing..Videos will be uploaded onto the YouTube or Vimeo video hosting sites.
The pedagogical aspects of creating language-learning resources will also be explored.
We will investigate scriptwriting, storyboarding, and making films incorporating live footage.
All participants will work toward the goal of producing a complete machinima by the end of Week 5,
Where does it take place?
All practical sessions will be held in Second Life, we have EduNation Island, Learn It Town and the Machinima Open Studio Project (MOSP) open and ready for our use.
There are many other ways of producing machinima of course, but we exclusively use Second Life.
Participants SHOULD have signed up for SECOND LIFE before the first session began
Participants do not have to have experience in Second Life. We will provide special familiarization sessions for moving, communicating, changing avatars, camera control and so on.
The bigger, better, faster, stronger computers are ~ the easier machinima making is, but min standards apply.

We will START our session capturing 'footage' (i.e. film clips) with FREE or lifetime purchased versions of Fraps.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD the free 30 day Trial Version of CAMTASIA
that we will be using to edit our footage at the END of our
35 day session (unless, of course, participants wish to own it).

At the end of our session, participants will be able to:
- Understand basic film production techniques (not only) in virtual environments like Second Life.
- Be able to design and create short machinima by means of screen capture and video editing tools (Fraps and Camtasia will be used as our examples).
- Be able to edit and upload the video clips onto video hosting sites, such as YouTube and Vimeo.
- Use gestures, animations, special effects and culturally rich sets or sims to create videos for language learning.
Target audience
Anyone involved in the teaching of TEFL/TESOL who is interested in making machinima for use with learners.
During the first two weeks people who already have experience in SL will help train less experienced participants in basic SL skills and film these first attempts - including entertaining, instructive mistakes ( 'Bloopers',‘Howlers’).for a 'Bloopers' reel.
In the remaining weeks everyone will work in smaller groups to enable each individual participant to come away with a machinima of their own whatever their level of competence.
Email address
Location (country of residence)
Newson, Dennis |
Germany |
Dennis Newson, M.A. (Cantab), P.D.E.S.L (Leeds), taught EFL in Africa, Arabia, Norway, and Germany in middle schools, secondary schools, teacher training colleges, a technical university, and an arts university. He was consultant for short periods in Bosnia and Kosovo, and conferences have taken him to Poland, Hungary, Las Palmas, Russia, and England. He has developed his interest in SL since his alleged retirement. In Second Life he is known as Osnacantab Nesterov. |
Corrigan, Shelwyn |
Shelwyn Corrigan (aka Wynshel Heir/English Easily) has a Master's in Linguistics, a Master's in Digital Media & Learning, and certification in Multimedia Studies. She has worked in digital design since 1994. In addition, she has taught ESL and EFL in Europe and South America and at universities in California and New York. Her interests are in teaching pronunciation, academic oral skills, and the integration of new media in the classroom. She is working on machinima development for language learners and teachers. She is a media consultant and web designer and has taught ESL at the University of San Francisco (USF) since 2001. She also works in Second Life as a teacher in English City. Shelwyn teaches graduate courses in the Digital Media and Learning Program and is currently devoting much of her time to course development for the new online MA TESOL Program at USF. She is also a founding and active partner in Learn It Town (http://learnittown.com), a virtual language school in Second Life. (For informal sandbox/working file samples: https://www.youtube.com/user/englisheasily?feature=mhee) |
Workman, Hazel |
UK |
Hazel Workman (aka Hazel Zapedzki in SL) Hazel has twenty years of experience in the TRADITIONAL animation industry, Ten years experience of budget 3D animation work and five years experience of using other people's assets to make Machinima. The ease with which moving images can be made / recorded in Second Life have convinced her / him ( you can never be certain in SecondLIFE ) that ANIMATION can now be democratised and used by students and teachers alike. There is no longer a role for those that once used to draw and paint each single frame of film by hand. She has an Art 'A' level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WseOLyzgCnM |
Dr Doris Molero |
Venezuela |
Dr. Doris Molero, aka Pionia Destiny, Doris is an EFL Professor from Rafael Belloso Chacin University (URBE) in Maracaibo, Venezuela. She is a doctor of Sciences in Education, specializing in curriculum and instruction. Her doctoral research was based on the use of Web 2.0 tools as multiliterate agents in EFL classes at Heike Phi the university level. She holds a master’s degree in Educational Informatics. |
Helen Myers |
Helen Myers [Karelia Kondor] is a teacher of French and a manager in at The Ashcombe School, a large UK secondary school and chair of the London branch of ALL (Association of Language Learning) and its former president. She is an active member of the MachinEVO group, SLexperiments and Virtual Worlds Round table and she is helping to set up a private SL island for teenagers with SEGfL and the British Computer Society. Her blog contains information about her SL activities, which include weekly English pronunciation classes open to all. For examples of her video work, go to her YouTube channel Arcachon playlist, read her short guide here and see her short video where she enthuses about language learning in Second Life.
Perfferle Alfonso |
Alfonso Perfferle is the digital representation in Virtual Worlds for Alfonso Garavito Olivar (Bachelor in Primary Education and foreign language) who has been teaching English for more than twenty years for elementary, middle and high School, technical education and high education.
- Spanish online for the last three years. Both as foreign languages (EFL) (ELE). Machinimatographer certified by the University of Valencia in 2011.
- Participant in MachinEVO 2012 and 2013.
- Co-moderator in MachinEVO 2014.
- Director, actor, writer, editor and producer for some Educational and Entertaining Machinima projects. In this playlist you can see and learn more about his different machinama projects: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCukzgXDIAnJXCuP5Kx_ES2CjXQwJKx2k
Dr. Randall Sadler
Randall Sadler is Associate professor at Illinois University, head of the Virtual Worlds SIG of CALICO, and a book author on language learning in virtual worlds and telecollaboration. He is a TESOL member and co-owner of EduNation islands in Second Life. ‘Virtual Worlds for Language Learning: From Theory to Practice (Telecollaboration in Education)’, Randall Sadler, published by Peter Lang AG, Switzerlandhttp://www.amazon.de/gp/product/3034305737 |
Ann Nowak |
Germany |
Ann Nowak has a Master's in Linguistics, certification in Blended Learning, ICT in the classroom, mLearning and Digital Games in ELT. She has more than 20 years teaching experience at companies, secondary school, technical colleague, university and technical university in Germany. Won an award with her team in Machinevo 2014.https://www.youtube.…ByjmfY3idgK6uDR0t4UA |
Carol Rainbow |
UK |
Carol Rainbow [Carolrb Roux] holds a B phil Ed (hons) and has taught in the UK for many years before moving into teacher training for Oxfordshire County Council. She is now teaching totally online, mostly running courses for The Consultants-E. Carol is co-author of the book Making and Using Machinima for Language Teaching along with Christel Schneider. The book is available on Amazon and SmashWords. Carol was a moderator on MachineEVo in 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Advisors - they will be working with us in the background but may not actually take part
Heike Philp
Heike Philp, Heike Philp is CEO of let's talk online sprl, a technology support provider for language learning and events in real-time. She is co-initiator of EU funded LANCELOT (virtual classroom) and AVALON (virtual world) and the newly granted CAMELOT project (machinima for language teachers). She is founder of the Virtual Round Table Conference and co-owns EduNation in Second Life. (NB if Heike is well she may do some Master of Ceremonies type of tasks, she is longing to take part.)
Dr Michael Thomas
UK |
Dr Michael Thomas BA (Hons) Cert. TESOL M.Ed. MBA Ph.D. FHEA is an Associate Professor in the School of Language, Literature and International Studies at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. He is the course leader of the MA in TESOL with Applied Linguistics by E-Learning and course leader of a BA (Hons) degree in intercultural business communication by blended learning. He is the lead and founding editor of three book series, Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching(Bloomsbury/Continuum), Digital Education and Learning (Palgrave Macmillan), and Advances in Virtual and Persona
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