
MachinEVO 2015 Week 1

Page history last edited by Hazeldazel 10 years ago

Week 1: 12 - 18 January 2015


Basic skills and getting started: Moderator: Shelwyn Corrigan aka Wynshel Heir, all supporting



Basic Second Life skills needed for teachers of English as a foreign or second language wishing to make / use machinima as an aid to teach, or as an aid to learn through ‘doing’.  A 'bloopers'/'howlers' reel will be made by those already familiar with FRAPs as our hosts meet, greet and assess guests’ needs and abilities and check their computer power and introduce them to the ‘Camtasia’ Interface, the software program we will be using throughout this session to edit video. Moderators / hosts will check that everybody's virtual ‘camera’ is working and participants will be shown ways to swop media and / or collaborate on a pre-made project if that is their wish, via Google Drive or Dropbox.


Introductions all round.

Sort out sound, cameras, equipment.


Machinima to help participants new to Second Life:



Participants new to Second Life will cover:

  • Setting up preferences, getting sound working and making friends
  • Moving - specifically walking, running, flying and sitting
  • Communication -  local chat, instant messages, notecards and gestures
  • Hiding and showing the user interface  
  • Using default avatars 
  • Choosing and wearing clothes
  • Creating outfits for different characters, e.g. an old lady. a man and saving them
  • Finding free clothes from SLMarketplace and storing items in one's inventory 
  • Using camera controls
  • Using landmarks
  • Looking around one or two sims where they may film machinima. We will end at Caledon Oxbridge where participants may wish to obtain more free costumes. We will encourage participants to conclude their fast track week by working through their orientation program. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caledon%20Oxbridge/148/181/30 


To sign up for a free account and to select an avatar for Second Life, go to http://www.secondlife.com 

You need to download the latest Second Life Viewer from that page. 


Please note, once you signed up for an account, you leave the website and open the installed software. This is where you log-in to enter Second Life. Let us know your avatar name in the Google Community and you will  then be added to the Machinevo group and teleported to our main training area on the EduNation Sandbox


Week 1 sessions will end with a look around Learn It Town.



MachinEVO 2015 Week 1 MachinEVO 2015 Week 1

 Webinar in the Adobe Connect Room:

A guest webinar:  A Pedagogy for Machinma

Marisa Constantinides will present a webinar in Adobe Connect covering aspects of pedagogy relating to machinima.








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